Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Creation Moment 2/22/2017 - "Unknowns" of Cosmology

And he said to the human race, The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
Job 28:28 NIV
These Unknowns of Cosmology are usually presented as fact within the mass media without challenge and used to "prove" cosmology...

"Lieu lists five evidences where cos­mologists use ‘unknowns’ to explain ‘unknowns’, and hence he
says they are not really doing astrophysics. Yet these evidences are claimed to be all explained (and in the case of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation even predicted) by the ΛCDM inflation model of the big bang. None of them are based on laboratory experiments, and they are unlikely to ever be explained this way. The ‘unknowns’ in the lab (meaning not known to physics today) are listed in italics. They are:
  1. The redshift of light from galaxies, explained by expansion of space,
  2. The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, explained as the afterglow of the Big Bang,
  3. The perceived motion of stars and gases in the disks of spiral galaxies, explained by dark matter,
  4. Distant supernovae  being dimmer than they should be, hence an accelerating universe, explained by dark energy,
  5. Flatness (space has Euclidean geometry) and isotropy (uniformity in all directions), explained by faster-than-light inflation." CMI