Wednesday, January 18, 2017

SDA News - Chamberlain Dies at 72

"A former Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor in Australia who became known worldwide after his 9-week-old daughter was taken and killed by a dingo during a camping trip, passed away this week at age 72. Adventists throughout Australia are mourning the loss of Michael Chamberlain, government worker, teacher, author and business man, .... Chamberlain unexpectedly passed away due to leukemia related complications.
According to Australia Adventist Record, the baby's disappearance in 1980 sparked speculation that the Chamberlains, being members of the largely unknown Seventh-day Adventist Church, had deliberately killed their baby for a ritual sacrifice. As a result, the baby's mother, Lindy Chamberlain was convicted of murder and spent three years in prison, while Michael was given a suspended sentence.
In 2012, the coroner of the Northern Territory released her official findings saying that baby Azaria was indeed killed by a dingo. In the years following the tragedy, Chamberlain became involved in education and justice causes and was greatly admired within his home community of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales." ANN
a book for the TRASHBIN
"Chamberlain returned to Cooranbong in 2006 and taught at Gosford High School until 2008, when he retired. In the same year he had published the book Beyond Ellen White: Seventh Day Adventism in Transition, a fully documented book based on his doctoral thesis at the University of Newcastle." Wikipedia
"Just what lies beyond Ellen White for Australian Adventism and Avondale College Michael Chamberlain is not entirely sure. He is quite certain, however, that Desmond Ford and the Reformation Gospel Ford has long advocated are the crucial catalysts for taking the church and its college beyond a sociocultural identity that lasted more than 70 years (283) and then fell apart decisively in the years surrounding the annus horribilus of 1980. Chamberlain reminds us briefly, speaking in a dispassionate third person, that besides Ford’s sacking at Glacier View another event that made 1980 horrible for Australian Adventism was the tragic loss of “an Adventist pastor’s” baby daughter Azaria Chamberlain attended by sensational media speculation which reinforced many negative images in the public mind (117)." spectrum
Ford wasn't "sacked"...he was removed for HERESY & his position is easy to refute...
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;
Titus 3:10