Wednesday, January 18, 2017

IN the NEWS - Lutherans Beware

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed:
and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
"Father Dwight Longenecker has a proposal for Protestants who might like to be in communion with Rome while still maintaining their own church and traditions, and it is creating something akin to the Anglican ordinariate. With the 500th anniversary of Luther's separation upon us, Longenecker asks why not replicate the ordinariate model for the Lutherans?

The pressure is also coming from the Lutheran side. In an essay on the reformation in Sweden,
Professor Clemens Cavallin observes that the official Church of Sweden webpage states, “What we foremost wish is that the common celebration of the Eucharist will be officially possible. This is especially important for families where members belong to different denominations.”

The fact of the matter is that emeritus Pope Benedict has already provided the most practical, positive and pro-active ecumenical move ever taken by a pope.
It is called the Anglican Ordinariate.

The Anglican Ordinariate is similar to an Eastern Rite church inasmuch as it is an autonomous ecclesial structure in full communion with the Catholic Church.

If Christians on both sides of the dialogue really want church unity, then in this 500th anniversary of the Luther’s separation from the Catholic Church, why not replicate the ordinariate model for the Lutherans." CRUX