Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Health Note - 6 Positive Results from Stop Eating Meat

I wish above all things that thou in health, .....
3 John 1:2
1. You’ll reduce inflammation in your body.
If you are eating meat, cheese, and highly processed foods, chances are you have elevated levels of inflammation in your body.

2. Your blood cholesterol levels will plummet.
Studies consistently show that when people go plant based, their blood cholesterol levels drop by up to 35% .

3. You’ll give your microbiome a makeover.
The trillions of microorganisms living in our bodies are collectively called the microbiome.
Increasingly, these microorganisms are recognized as crucial to our overall health: not only do they help us digest our food, but they produce critical nutrients, train our immune systems, turn genes on and off, keep our gut tissue healthy, and help protect us from cancer.

4. You’ll change how your genes work.
Scientists have made the remarkable discovery that environmental and lifestyle factors can turn genes on and off. For example, the antioxidants and other nutrients we eat in whole plant foods can change gene expression to optimize how our cells repair damaged DNA.

5. You’ll dramatically reduce your chances of getting type 2 diabetes.
Animal protein, especially red and processed meat, has been shown in study after study to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

6. You’ll get the right amount—and the right type—of protein.
Excess protein is stored as fat or turned into waste, and animal protein is a major cause of weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, and cancer.
On the other hand, the protein found in whole plant foods protects us from many chronic diseases. There is no need to track protein intake or use protein supplements with plant-based diets; if you are meeting your daily calorie needs, you will get plenty of protein.
Michelle McMacken, MD