Monday, August 15, 2016

Creation Moment 8/16/2016 - Niku "NO, NO"

Niku is doing a No, No based on evolutionary cosmology.......

"A mysterious space object going the wrong way, which is found beyond Neptune, has got scientists all puzzled. It has been nicknamed Niku (Chinese for “rebellious”). Niku is a trans-Neptunian object, a dwarf planet that orbits past Neptune.

But there’s something strange about Niku. It does not behave like most dwarf planets we know. It orbits the sun on a tilted orbit by 110 degrees. Not only its orbit is tilted, but Niku orbits differently from all the other planets in the Solar System. The rest of the 9 planets have a “prograde” direction, as they orbit around the sun. Well Niku orbits in a “retrograde” direction, which makes it different and strange compared to the other nine planets.
This is not the first time an object beyond Neptune was discovered with a “wrong way” orbit, but because Niku’s orbit is tilted, this complicates matters a lot.
Scientists admit there’s still a lot going on inside our solar system that we know nothing about." BannerHerald
--OR-- it's going the right way, the way it was DESIGNED to move.... Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, Hebrews 11:3