Friday, August 12, 2016

Creation Moment 8/13/2016 - Too Old for Evolution {M4 Planet}

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3
"According to the accepted evolutionary theory, planets form by accretion. That is, bits of dust orbiting young stars collide and stick together to form clumps of dust. These stick together, or accrete, to form larger objects, until eventually a planet is formed. But there is a problem with this idea.

Scientists have discovered a planet in the globular cluster M4. (A

PSR B1620-26 b
globular cluster is a very tight, spherical grouping of hundreds of thousands of stars.) The problem is that, according to the accretion model, grains of dust are needed to form planets. But globular clusters, like M4, are made primarily of hydrogen and helium, and are practically a dust-free environment.   For this reason, most evolutionists had not expected to find any planets in globular clusters.

Evolutionists generally believe that globular clusters are very old, around 12 billion years. According to their evolutionary scenario, there would not have been much dust in the universe when these clusters formed, which is why, they believe, they are still so dust-poor today. Thus, one might say that this planet is too ‘old’ for evolutionary ideas." CMI