Saturday, July 2, 2016

SDA Issues - Dwight, Dwight, Dwight.....

Dwight, Dwight, Dwight.....Why did you say that for????....Andrews University Pastor Dwight Nelson caused a stir awhile back with a sermon of his about Islam....WHY do those in leadership do these nonsensical things?
"For years he has taught ridiculous things but a couple years ago he completely stepped over the line when he did a sermon extolling the virtues of the Koran and Islam.  If you have not seen this sermon or if you do not believe me then go to YouTube and search Nelson - Koran and I am sure several videos will come up. 
In a sermon on Sabbath Dec. 11, 2010,  Dr. (Pastor) Dwight
Nelson of Pioneer Memorial SDA Church told the world on air, 3ABN and via the Internet that: "Allah is the name of the LIVING GOD; ALLAH IS THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE."

 He stated, "Every kernel of truth we (as in Adventist) believe in can be found in the Koran!"  WHAT ABSOLUTE ABOMINATION!! 

*So, where exactly does the Koran teach the three angels message.  Oh, that's right, it doesn't. 
*And where exactly does it teach the Sabbath.  Again, it obviously doesn't.  They keep Friday don't they. 
*And where does it teach Christ crucified?  Oh, right again, they teach that only infidels believe that.

The Koran is not from God.  Yet Dwight made it sound as if God was in that book.  Stop and think for a moment what that would mean!  That would mean Mohammed really was a prophet and then it would also mean Mohammed is even greater than Christ since that is what the Koran teaches."

My people hath been lost sheep:
their shepherds have caused them to go astray,
Jeremiah 50:6
Dwight, Dwight, Dwight.....WHY?
"Mohammedanism has its converts in many lands, and its advocates deny the divinity of Christ. Shall this faith be propagated, and the advocates of truth fail to manifest intense zeal to overthrow the error, and teach men of the pre-existence of the only Savior of the world?"
The Home Missionary, September 1892, paragraph 4, E.G.W.