Saturday, July 2, 2016

My Heart... My Lord's Garden

The voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
  Genesis 3:8
"My soul,
now that the cool of the day has come,
retire awhile and hearken to the voice of thy God.
If there be any slowness to commune it is not on His part,
but altogether on thine own,
for He stands at the door and knocks,
and if His people will but open He rejoices to enter.
But in what state is my heart, which is my Lord's garden? ... O Jesus, my well-beloved, plant fresh flowers in my garden, such as I see blooming in such perfection in Thy matchless character!
Sweet is the cool twilight, when every star seems like the eye of heaven, and the cool wind is as the breath of celestial love."
Charles Spurgeon