Sunday, July 17, 2016

IN the NEWS - UMC Turns from God

"Representatives of the United Methodist Church have elected their first openly gay bishop, in defiance of church prohibitions on homosexuality.

Rev. Karen Oliveto, senior pastor of Glide Memorial Church in San

Rev. Karen Oliveto
Francisco, was elected bishop of the church's Western Division at a conference Friday night in Scottsdale, Arizona.

"I think at this moment I have a glimpse of the realm of God," 58-year-old Oliveto said after her election, according to a news story from the church. "Today we took a step closer to embody beloved community and while we may be moving there, we are not there yet. We are moving on to perfection." yahoo
For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago
 were designated for this condemnation,
ungodly people, who pervert
the grace of our God into sensuality...
Jude 1:4 ESV