Sunday, July 17, 2016

Creation Moment 7/18/2016 - White Hole = Timelessness?

"How can old objects exist in nearby space, such as the white dwarf (WD) star orbiting Sirius.

Sirius B is a Carbon-Oxygen (C-O) WD with a measured temperature of 25,000 K. Like other WDs, it has no energy source but is steadily cooling down from its former hot stellar state. In fact, Sirius is

itself a mature, spectral type A1V star only 2.6 parsecs (8.6 light-years) distant from the sun.

How does such an old system exist near our youthful, directly created solar system, which is less than 10,000 years of age?
The answer is the existence of a timeless region! Russ Humphreys found that there is a timeless region inside the white hole (or a black hole for that matter).

In the ‘White Hole’ (WH) cosmology of Russ Humphreys or in his more recent cosmology, as long as the earth is inside the event horizon of the WH (and therefore inside the timeless region), objects outside of it continue to age and their light continues to impinge upon the earth. So nearby objects are old in the model. That is the simple answer.

The actual details may be more complex. For this process to work up close to the solar system, the event horizon may have dispersed (evaporated) somewhere between the solar system and the nearest mature star, Proxima Centauri, about 4.2 LYs away. This would allow ageing in the Centauri system also. The minimum radius to take in the entire solar system, including the Kuiper Belt, is ~70 AU. This would require the presence of a 3.5-billion-solar-mass singularity at the core to maintain a 70-AU-radius WH. (Here we have ignored the Oort Cloud since there is no direct observational evidence for its existence.)

Of course, it’s not only the earth that’s within the white hole as it collapses but the entire solar system, including the sun, created on Day 4. The singularity will cause the ageing process of objects
external to the white hole as seen from the earth to continue until the event horizon gets close. After it loses sufficient matter, we would expect the WH to evaporate and the time dilation apparent to Earth-based observers to cease. All other related phenomena that affect space-time would also cease, e.g. blue-shifts. The WH would evaporate quickly as the event horizon collapses inward and all matter leave the timeless region, much the same as a miniature black hole does." CMI
 I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens,
and all their host have I commanded.
Isaiah 45:12