Sunday, May 15, 2016

What a Lovely Rose

I am the rose of Sharon.
  Song of Solomon 2:1
"Amongst flowers the rose is deemed the sweetest, but Jesus is
infinitely more beautiful in the garden of the soul than the rose can in the gardens of earth. 
 He is the sun, and all others are the stars;
the heavens and the day are dark in comparison with Him,
for the King in His beauty transcends all.
"I am the rose of Sharon." This was the best and rarest of roses. Jesus is not "the rose" alone, He is "the rose of Sharon,"...
He is positively lovely, and superlatively the loveliest.
The rose is delightful to the eye,
 and its scent is pleasant and refreshing;
so each of the senses of the soul,
whether it be the taste or feeling,
the hearing, the sight, or the spiritual smell,.....
Even the recollection of His love is sweet. Take the rose of Sharon, and pull it leaf from leaf, and lay by the leaves in the jar of memory, and you shall find each leaf fragrant long afterwards, filling the house with perfume."