Monday, May 16, 2016

Creation Moment 5/17/2016 - Evolution Eroding Humanity

And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness:
Genesis 1:26
"From the earliest days of civilization, humans have considered themselves exceptional among living creatures. But a new survey by Discovery Institute of more than 3,400 American adults
indicates that the theory of evolution is beginning to erode that belief in humanity's unique status and dignity.
43 percent of Americans now agree that "Evolution shows that no living thing is more important than any other," and 45 percent of Americans believe that "Evolution shows that human beings are not fundamentally different from other animals."
The highest levels of support for the idea that evolution shows that humans aren't fundamentally different from other animals are found among self-identified atheists (69 percent), agnostics (60 percent), and 18 to 29 year-olds (51 percent).
The theory of evolution is also reshaping how people think about morality. A majority of Americans (55 percent) now contend that "Evolution shows that moral beliefs evolve over time based on their survival value in various times and places." EN&V