Monday, March 21, 2016

The "Really" File - (Oh Canada?!?)

I have seen that fools
 may be successful for the moment,....
Raging waves of the sea,
foaming out their own shame;
Job 5:3 NLT/Jude 1:13

"Schools should erase old divides that force students into male and female roles, according to new guidelines released Wednesday by the Alberta government that advise teachers to let kids choose which washroom they want to use and what name appears on their report cards.
A 21-page document, introduced by Education Minister David Eggen, advised educators that students have the right to self-identify when it comes to their gender identity and gender expression.

1. Pick your own pronoun

The guidelines advise teachers to address each student by whatever name — and pronoun — that particular student chooses, based on how the student self-identifies.
"All individuals have the right to be addressed by their chosen name and to choose pronouns that align with their gender identity and/or gender expression," the document states.

It goes on to say: "Some individuals may not feel included in the use of the pronouns 'he' or 'she' and may prefer alternate pronouns, such as 'ze,' 'zir,' 'hir,' 'they' or 'them,' or might wish to express themselves or self-identify in other ways (e.g., Mx. instead or Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss, or no prefix at all)."

2. Play for the boys or girls team

As much as possible, the guidelines call for the elimination of separate activities for students based on gender.
When it comes to sports teams, in particular, the guidelines say students should be "given the opportunity to participate on the team that reflects their gender identity and expression."
Students who do not feel comfortable in a group setting should also be given the option for "independent study to earn physical education credits," the document advises.

3. Use male or female washrooms, or neither

It should be up to each individual whether they use a washroom designated for males or females, according to the guidelines.
Specifically, the document states that students should be "able to access washrooms that are congruent with their gender identity."

4. Pick the change room you prefer

When it comes to change rooms, all students are to have access to "facilities that meet their individual needs and privacy concerns."

5. Establish gay-straight alliances

Now that gay-straight alliances (GSAs) have been made 
From the "Really" File
mandatory at any school where students want one,
school staff are advised to support the establishment of the support groups whenever students express an interest in creating one.

It's also to be made clear to students that they have this right.
People in positions of authority over school staff members, themselves, are also advised to "anticipate, support and value staff diversity, including diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions."
Staff should also be supported to serve as a liaison for student-organized support groups such as GSAs, according to the guidelines." CBCNews