Monday, March 21, 2016

Creation Moment 3/22/2016 - 7 Biology Myths No Electrical Engineer Would Ever Tolerate -#4

4. “Biology is nothing more than sophisticated physics and chemistry.”

 "That’s like saying the Internet is nothing more than sophisticated copper wire and silicon chips.
Nobody I talk to ever describes the Internet that way. Do you?
You talk about things like email and Google and Facebook. You tell your friend about the Youtube
video where the guy goes to every country in the world and does his little dance jig.
All those things are information. 90% of Electrical Engineering is concerned with controlling and processing information. Only a small part of EE is concerned with things like motors and generators and watts and horsepower.
Even power equipment is controlled by information. All the interesting things you do with electricity involve signals or digital codes. Temperature measurement or text messages or a radio transmission.
The software is more interesting than the hardware. So it is with DNA. Chemicals are just the hardware."