Friday, February 12, 2016

SDA News - Cruz SDA Wife

"Her perspicacity for the political game was one of the things that drew the future senator to his future wife when the two first met working on George W. Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. She was on a break from business school at Harvard – planning to "forget boys" and "kill myself on the campaign" after a rough break-up – but fell for the budding politician after a date where he grilled her on her background, goals and plans.
The couple soon became official and shortly after married.
At first, it appeared that Heidi was going to be the Cruz with the bigger political career, with her job working on economic policy in the Bush White House and serving as a director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council. But Heidi Cruz ended up following her future husband when Ted went to Texas in 2003 to work as Texas solicitor general. She landed a job at Goldman Sachs in Houston.
Now, with the presidential campaign season in full swing, the senator's wife has put aside her job managing portfolios ....and instead now only has one client she looking out for: Ted.
"I see my role as helping people connect with Ted's message," Cruz said.
Political analysts and observers say that her biggest attribute to the Cruz campaign may not be her
And while Cruz, a vegetarian in line with her Seventh-day Adventist church, knows that she holds a good deal of sway over her husband, there are some things she has had to tolerate from a politician who posted a viral video about cooking bacon on the barrel of a machine gun.
"There are some things,” she said with a laugh, “that I can never change about him." FOXNewsLatino
My beloved is mine,
and I am his:
Song of Solomon 2:16