Saturday, February 27, 2016

Papal Notes - Spiritualism for children?

"Pope Francis, who has penned weighty encyclicals and decrees, has taken a stab at the simpler side
of his job with a book for children to answer such questions as "What did God do before the world was made?"

Others wanted to know if dead relatives can watch over them from heaven? (certainly);

Perhaps the most poignant question is from an 8-year-old Australian boy named Luca. "Dear Pope Francis, My mum is in Heaven. Will she grow angel wings?"
Francis answers that no, she won't grow wings but "she is the mother you know but more beautiful than ever ... smiling and full of love for you." NewYorkTimes
Is Francis teaching spiritualism to the children? It would appear it not logical for a child to assume if "mum" is in heaven watching him, that he could possibly "communicate" with her? Of course that would be a reasonable conclusion to come to.
--BUT-- Scripture disagrees with Francis on the dead- For the living know that they shall die: but
the dead know not any thing, Ecclesiastes 9:5

Watch clip of Doug Batchelor Sermon on the DEAD