Sunday, February 28, 2016

Creation Moment 2/29/2016 - Seriously Dudes...

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men;
1 Corinthians 1:25
"Delicate, though possibly deadly, flowers trapped in amber for some 30 million years have been discovered, scientists report.
The fossilized plants are asterids, which make up about one-third of the world's flowering plants.
About 80,000 species fall under this taxonomic clade, including coffee trees, tomato plants, mint, basil and tobacco. Despite the ubiquity of asterids today, no fossilized examples of the plants have been found until now, the researchers say. 
Species of the genus Strychnos are almost all toxic in some way," George Poinar Jr., an amber expert at Oregon State University, said in a statement. "Each plant has its own alkaloids with varying effects. Some are more toxic than others, and it may be that they were successful because their poisons offered some defense against herbivores."
Scientists have identified about 200 species of Strychnosplants. One of the most famous representatives of this genus might be Strychnos nux-vomica, from which strychnine is derived.
Curare —which contains the toxin tubocurarine, extracted from the plant Strychnos toxifera — has a storied history as well. Hunters in South America used the poison to make paralyzing blow darts. More recently, safe doses of the poison have been used in medicine as a muscle relaxer.
It's not clear how toxic (if at all) the newly discovered Strychnos electri was. These two new flowers became entombed in sticky tree resin in a steamy tropical forest in what is today the Cordillera Septentrional mountain range in the Dominican Republic some 20 million to 30 million years ago.
Amber, which is hardened tree resin, is an important source of knowledge about tiny prehistoric life on Earth. In Dominican amber in particular, scientists have discovered species of wasps, locusts, ticks, blood-sucking flies and beetles suspended in time." LiveScience

SERIOUSLY DUDES---Do you really think that poison would still be functioning after "30,000,000" years??? IF it is still toxic it sure can't be "30,000,000" years old.....And another point, how can you tell that in the supposed "30,000,000" year old amber, that those creatures are "wasps, locusts, ticks, blood-sucking flies and beetles"? ---because they look like "wasps, locusts, ticks, blood-sucking flies and beetles" today..... so evolution was on a roll then stopped?