Friday, January 22, 2016

SDA Issues - Bernie Sanders & E.G.W.

What would E.G.W. think of Bernie Sanders? He is opely a socialist, strong ally of labor unions, preaches of pitting labor & the masses against capital & management, says on Jimmy Kimmel's late night show he is not a Christian and he openly embraces the Green Religion of radical environmentalism and also exudes the free lovism of the 60's counter-culture, such as his writings in the 70's about women fantasizing about being what might E.G.W. think if she were around today of the Sander's campaign? We have a clue....

"In addition to this, we have

free love,
and trades unions,
or labor against capital,
and communism,
all assiduously spreading their principles among the masses.

These are the very principles that worked among the people, as the exciting cause, just prior to the terrible French Revolution of 1789 and onward. Human nature is the same in all ages, and like causes will surely produce like effects."
1887 UrS, MANA 144.1 E.G.W.
The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water:
Proverbs 17:14