Saturday, January 23, 2016

Creation Moment 1/24/2016 - Iceland Case Study

And he marvelled because of their unbelief.
Mark 6:6
THIS is what happens when you let the nonsense of evolution go unchallenged in the schools and public arena.....
"If you happen to have the chance to talk to young Icelanders about their religious beliefs, be prepared for a surprise. Exactly
zero percent of respondents in a recent survey said they believe that God created the Earth.
Only 20 years ago, nearly 90 percent of all Icelanders were religious believers. Today, less than 50 percent are.
"Secularization [in Iceland] has occurred very quickly, especially among younger people," said Bjarni Jonsson, the managing director of the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association, an atheist nongovernmental organization. "With increased education and broad-mindedness, change can occur quickly."
According to Boasdottir, the study has been widely discussed by Icelandic priests on Facebook. "As far as I have seen they are [neither] surprised nor [shocked by] the results. They see no necessary opposition between believing in God and accepting scientific theories on creation of the world."
Most experts, however, would agree that the survey also indicates that the Evangelical Lutheran Church's influence is a rapidly diminishing in Iceland. "Results within the survey indicate that the state church holds a weak position in Icelandic society," Jonsson said.
But last year, thousands of Icelanders suddenly joined the ancient Zuist movement -- a religion centered on worshiping Sumerian gods. Within two weeks, almost one percent of the country's population (about 3,000 people) had signed up. Some of the new Zuist members might have been less interested in the movement's spiritual goals than in an announcement that the Zuist church would pay its members the amount of money they were taxed (about $80 per year)." WashingtonPost

"Zuism is based on ancient Sumeran texts and the Sumeran religion is one of the world's oldest
religions, believed to be the basis of the world's religions. It survived for instance in the mythologies and religions of ancient cultures such as the Babylonians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Akkadians, Egyptians, Romans and other culture groups. 
According to Sumerian mythology, the primordial union of An and Ki produced Enlil, who became leader of the Sumerian pantheon. After the deities banished Enlil from the home of the Gods, Dilmun for raping the goddess Ninlil, she had a child, Nanna, god of the moon, Nanna and Ningal gave birth to Inanna, the goddess of war and fertility and to Utu, the god of the sun. 
According to the Zuism website in Iceland the Sumeran religion is practiced by the singing of ancient Sumeran poems." IcelandMonitor