Friday, January 29, 2016

IN the NEWS - Trump the one???

And he causeth all, both small and great,
 rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand,
 or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:16
Glenn Beck gave a warning about Trump......

"Glenn Beck penned a lengthy Facebook note Tuesday night reacting to Donald Trump’s decision to skip Thursday’s Fox News debate, calling the Republican frontrunner a “bully” and warning about what his presidency could mean for America.

“I warn you:
Donald Trump or anyone that is
* a big government progressive
* with narcissistic tendencies
* who will preach populism and nationalism
* in a time of economic and social unrest
is a dangerous road to go down,” he wrote."  TheBlaze

Consider our times in Biblical Context....
* The 2300 days/years have expired and the Judgment is under way (Daniel 8:14)
* Knowledge has rapidly increased in the last century...and now we are a "global village" (for when the debate over the mark of the beast begins everyone will hear)
* The counterfeit Latter Rain Lucifer through into Christianity at the turn of the last century..sort of a pre-emptive strike. (the gibberish tongues, signs & wonders crowd)
* The Little Horn/Beast has had it's deadly wound healed over the last is an actual LITTLE HORN. (the Vatican is a nation/"horn" power with ambassadors and a member at the U.N.)
* The "Nations are angry"....united in anger at ISIS
* The "shaking" among the "remnant" group for the end is in full swing--from celebration services dividing God's congregations, to woman ordination, to evolution, spectrum magazine, to leaders embracing emergent church speakers, a transgender elder now in California, etc.
* The rise of the GREEN Religion calling for a "Green Sabbath" to let the earth rest and the Papacy releasing it's Green Encyclical calling for a Sabbath rest for earth (MIT alumni just organized to push for a GREEN Sabbath)
* The whole LGBT-mania sweeping the earth including America in just the last 3 years...(like "the days of Lot"/SODOM)
* The level of time spent on entertaining of self - --video games, movies, music, sports, ipads, etc... (like the partying in the "days of Noah")

So will Trump be the next President, be a "bully" on the world stage to help implement the mark???
WHO KNOWS?.....He may not even get the parties nomination...and if so, may not win....

P.S.----WE ARE NOT saying that IF Trump wins he will implement the mark of the beast....ANY President could be the one, especially one you wouldn't expect....we're just saying it's something on the world stage to watch...that's all....