Friday, January 29, 2016

IN the NEWS - Al Gore Prophecy Fails

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator, ....And many false prophets shall rise,...
Romans 1:25NET/Matthew 24:11

The High Priest of the GREEN RELIGION, Al Gore, has been exposed as also being just another False Prophet of their Religion....

"In January, 2006 — when promoting his documentary, An
Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again.
Gore’s prediction fits right in with the rest of his comrades in the wild-eyed environmentalist movement. There’s a veritable online cottage industry cataloguing hysterical, failed predictions of environmentalist catastrophe.
In reality, I respect the wild-eyed rapture-pastors far more than the climate hysterics. They merely ask me to believe, they don’t use the power of government to dictate how I live. Pastors aren’t circumventing the democratic process to impose dangerous and job-killing environmental regulations. Draconian fuel-economy standards have actually cost American lives. And now the coal industry is reeling in part because of stringent EPA standards." NationalReview