Monday, January 11, 2016

IN the NEWS - "Gay" Science In

Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Jeremiah 13:23

"But then Grzanka lit this bombshell: And yet there is little scientific evidence to suggest that the categories we use today in the United States—categories that are historically quite new—originate in the body at all,” he said. “I think social scientists, lawyers, biological researchers and activists all need to examine why it is that many of us are so deeply invested in biological explanations of sexual orientation, particularly when they appear to have limited efficacy in terms of promoting more positive attitudes toward sexual minorities.” Wait a minute; if it’s not biological, if it’s not genetic—and if that has been the whole

reason for the gay rights movement—what is it? Is it a choice? You can’t change a leopard’s spots, but you can change a human being’s choices. Why, then, is sexual conversion therapy harmful?

As we have seen, science journals and reporters have jumped on the gay-rights bandwagon, showing full support for the LGBT agenda (e.g., Live Science) even to the point of publishing frauds (remember the Lacour fraud, 12/12/14). Live Science happily announced this week that more young people are reporting same-sex attraction. But then watch this paragraph: The latest findings showed that 92 percent of women and 95 percent of men identified themselves as being heterosexual or straight. Just less than 2 percent of men and a little more than 1 percent of women identified themselves as gay or lesbian, which is consistent with past survey data results. There has not been a wide swing toward homosexuality in the general population, despite decades of indoctrination. Some may be more open to discuss “same sex attraction” than before, but that’s a gray area not the same as homosexuality itself;

It might be different if there were strong scientific evidence supporting the LGBT activists’ contention that they can’t help themselves. But you read it right here, from LGBT-friendly secular articles, that there is none! There is nothing in the human body known to cause a switch of natural sexual orientation. It’s not biological (see also 7/27/15). The categories L, G, B, and T are “historically quite new,” Grzanka admits.  Kennedy acknowledged that marriage meant traditional man-woman marriage for thousands of years, and that nobody had ever thought of “gay marriage” until recently. But now, for the first time, the “comfort” of a small minority (2–3%) has been elevated to a right that trumps scientific evidence and Constitutional democracy. The outcome is rapidly creating a new “thought crime” if one does not accept the view that “gay marriage” is normal and good, even if a dissenting citizen is kind and respectful to individual homosexuals." CEH