Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Creation Moment 1/13/2016 - "Denier"

"The term "denier" is obviously loaded. It intentionally calls to mind Holocaust denial -- Ms.
Sullivan also associates with "torture" -- while simultaneously giving a false impression that "the science" on evolution or the climate is all settled and wrapped up.

Yet I'm confident that most who direct the "science denier" label against Darwin skeptics are not even aware of the scientific issues in the debate about whether blind Darwinian processes can explain the emergence of complex animal life. Nor are they aware of the positive arguments for intelligent design as an alternative theory.
ID is the subject you can say literally anything about, however grossly ignorant, without worrying that you'll be corrected on it in the mainstream media. Claiming to know that the science is "settled" is therefore a bluff.
The "denier" label is also simply inaccurate, as our colleague Donald McLaughlin has pointed out:
Calling us "deniers" implies that there is something to deny. Since there is no evolutionary explanation on offer for some important biological features observed in nature, precisely what is being "denied"? Reporting accurately on the state of affairs in evolutionary biology, or sharing with students that mainstream science itself questions key planks of evolutionary theory, is hardly "denial." It's the very opposite: recognizing and acknowledging reality.
As for the climate issue, the scientists and others labeled as "deniers" do not deny that the climate changes, much as evolution "deniers" do not deny that animals have changed (evolved) over time. Climate skeptics question the causes of climate change, as Darwin skeptic question the underlying causes responsible for evolution, and they question the extent of environmental impacts to date. They also question whether proposed solutions, draconian ones, are more likely to do harm or good.:" EN&V

But WAIT..... There is another kind of DENIER--- But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33