Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The "Really" File - (Itching Ears for Wilkerson)

 For the time will come when they
will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they
heap to themselves teachers,
having itching ears;
2 Timothy 4:3

"A new reality show that follows the life of a so-called “celebrity pastor” who married Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, and whose
congregation attracted a visit from pop star Justin Bieber, is being characterized as “heartbreaking” by a pastor who speaks and writes about the glorification of ungodliness in Hollywood and the secular music industry.
Rich in Faith” began airing on Dec. 2 on the Oxygen channel and features Rich Wilkerson, Jr., as he launches a new congregation called “Vous Church.”
I come from a different perspective. I don’t think people are interested in a bunch of religion, like tell me what I can and can’t
do,” Wilkerson says in the promotional video for the reality show. “But I think people are interested in having a relationship with a higher power.”


The preview shows Wilkerson getting a tattoo, lying on the beach with his bikini-clad wife, and telling his parents that he plans to hold his first service at a bar.
Wilkerson, who previously led a 1,500-member young adult group called “The Rendezvous” at Trinity, became known for marrying rap star Kanye West and Playboy cover model Kim Kardashian last year. He had met the couple two years prior after they visited his father’s congregation.
Kanye West is known for his album “Yeezus,” and for bringing a man dressed as Jesus on stage during a show in Seattle.
“White Jesus, is that you?,” he asked on stage. “Oh [expletive]!”
Pop star Justin Bieber also visited the congregation, and Wilkerson recently praised him in an interview with Cosmopolitan.
I think he is doing great,” he said. “I just saw him three days ago in L.A. He’s doing awesome. We are proud of him.”

From the "Really" File
As previously reported, in an interview with Complex Magazine in October, Bieber spoke much about his views on Christianity, criticizing churches that warn about Hell and Christians who are “overly churchy.” He stated, however, the he personally desires to be more outspoken about the Christian faith and just wants to “live like Jesus.” Days after the interview was released, Bieber made headlines for smoking marijuana and drinking Hennessy on stage.
When Wilkerson’s church was new, one gimmick he employed was to offer to eat a live gold fish if 300 people attended. Some time later, he offered to be zapped with a stun gun when they hit 2,000 attendees,
In Rich Wilkerson’s book ‘Sandcastle Kings,’ whose artwork was done by Kanye West at Wilkerson’s request, he claims that no matter how wicked one’s chosen lifestyle, one is permanently in Christ no matter what he does,” Schimmel further noted."