Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Creation Moment 12/24/2015 - God's Creative Putty

Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!
Isaiah 45:9
"The rod that (transmutes) into a snake,
The woman created (potentially from the genetic material and countless other options) from Adam's rib;
Severe time distortion during the 6 "days" of creation (the incomprehensible gravitational forces during the creation of the universe would play incalculable massive havoc with time),
Time stopping for Joshua appears to deny the theory of relativity but being temporarily taken into an inter-dimensional state of being could easily explain that since most astrophysicists agree that time and space could easily be operating under entirely different physical laws in different dimensions);

the great flood would be too, too easy, of course.

On an even deeper level, all matter is comprised of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Any being capable of extremely nuanced modification of those frequencies could, presumably instantly,  mold any and all matter like putty in an infinite number of ways and on an infinite scale, a concept of control by
God usually stupidly mocked by the mainstream science atheists as "impossible" even though the concept falls well within what is categorically scientifically accepted of the nature of physical matter." CreationDino