Monday, September 28, 2015

The Myrtle Trees

The myrtle trees that were in the bottom.
 Zechariah 1:8
"The vision in this chapter describes the condition of Israel in Zechariah's day; 
but being interpreted in its aspect towards us, 
it describes the Church of God as we find it now in the world. 

The Church is compared to a myrtle grove flourishing in a valley. 
    It is hidden, 
courting no honor and 
attracting no observation from the careless gazer. 

The Church, ...... is concealed from carnal eyes, for the time of her breaking forth in all her splendor is not yet come. The idea of tranquil security is also suggested to us: for the myrtle grove in the valley is still and calm, while the storm sweeps over the mountain summits. 

How great is the inward tranquility of God's Church! 
Even when opposed and persecuted, she has a peace which the world gives not, and which, therefore, it cannot take away: the peace of God which passeth all understanding keeps the hearts and minds of God's people. 

The myrtle is the emblem of peace, 
and a significant token of triumph. 
The brows of conquerors were bound with myrtle and with laurel; and is not the Church ever victorious? Is not every Christian more than a conqueror through Him that loved him?"
Charles Spurgeon