Monday, September 28, 2015

Creation Moment 9/29/2015 - BRAINWASHING 101

"Parents of students at a Florida middle school are upset over a science assignment that suggested if
someone told them “evolution was just a theory, as a way of dismissing it, [...] they are trying to mislead you.”

But some parents, like Jennifer Flinchum, who saw the assignment and how it was worded said it caused a heated reaction.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up,” she told the news station.
Lisa McNeil told WKMG it wasn’t necessarily the topic of evolution but “just the way they phrased those few sentences how they were kind of taking the rights away from the parents.”
Here’s what the assignment said:

Next time someone tries to tell you that evolution is just a theory, as a way of dismissing it, as if it’s just something someone guessed at, remember that they’re using the non-scientific meaning of the word. If that person is a teacher, or minister, or some other figure of authority, they should know better. In fact, they probably do, and are trying to mislead you.
WKMG reported that after parents started balking at the assignment, the school issued an apology letter." TheBlaze

 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7