Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Shem - Japheth Blessing

And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem;...
God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem;...
Genesis 9:26,27

When Ham's offspring were cursed in relation to Ham's disrespect to Noah, what did the blessings to Shem & Japheth mean?

* The Messiah came through the line of Shem (Semites). Specifically through the Semitic race of Israel (Jews).

* The enlargement of Japheth (Europeans mostly & Aryans such as in central Asia & Iran as well
as filling the Indian sub-continent) would be that his offspring would be more numerous and fill more land.

* Shem dwelling in his "tents" would be the European conquests of the Semitic races, including Israel. For example, the Persian (Iranian) then Greek then Roman conquests of Israel & the Middle East. Later the modern European colonization of the Middle East again by Europeans.

* Although the offspring of Japheth would conquer those of Shem (including Israel) physically, the offspring of Shem (through Israel's promised Messiah) would conquer Japheth spiritually, as Christianity spread through Europe via the Roman Empire.