Wednesday, July 22, 2015

IN the NEWS - King to Black Caucus

Alveda King to Congressional Black Caucus:
Lead Investigations of Planned Parenthood
"Dear Congressional Black Caucus (CBC),

I am writing to you regarding recent videos that have gone viral exposing Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting and selling aborted babies' body parts.
If they or anyone else had been exposed for harvesting and selling animal body parts, there would be
such an outrage from the left and right. But for some reason it seems to be OK to chop up the unborn babies and harvest their body parts.
The videos are shocking, yet still nary a word from the CBC.

CBC, I ask you:
Are you so beholden to the abortion lobby that you are totally paralyzed and unable to garner the necessary will to denounce their behavior?

For the record, my Uncle Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-life.

Attention, CBC (Congressional Black Caucus and Concerned Black Clergy). As a post-abortive mother, I know firsthand the pain abortion can bring. There is no agape love in abortion and trafficking baby body parts. They are hateful and violent deeds.

CBC, you cannot serve both God and money. You cannot serve both Planned Parenthood and your constituents. By serving Planned Parenthood, you are not only hating the other or despising the other, but your position is helping to kill our people.

CBC, it's not too late to put your constituents first, where they belong. Get involved—no, take the lead—in the investigations of Planned Parenthood. Take the lead in calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood. It's time to stand up for truth." CN

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child,

so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow:

he shall be surely punished,

according as the woman's husband will lay upon him;
and he shall pay as the judges determine.
And if any mischief follow,
then thou shalt give life for life,
Exodus 21:22,23