Sunday, July 12, 2015

Creation Moment 7/13/2015 - The "eyes" have it

"The human eye is an amazing instrument and can accurately distinguish between the tiniest, most
subtle differences in color. In a paper published in The Optical Society’s new journal Optica, a research team from the University of Stuttgart, Germany and the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, has harnessed the human eye’s color-sensing strengths to give the eye the ability to distinguish between objects that differ in thickness by no more than a few nanometers — about the thickness of a cell membrane or an individual virus.
This ability to go beyond the diffraction limit of the human eye was demonstrated by teaching a small group of volunteers to identify the remarkably subtle color differences in light that has passed through thin films of titanium dioxide under highly controlled and precise lighting conditions. The result was a remarkably consistent series of tests that revealed a hitherto untapped potential, one that rivals sophisticated optics tools that can measure such minute thicknesses, such as ellipsometry." CEH
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14