Saturday, July 18, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Unity Church

UNITY Church

O foolish Galatians,

who hath bewitched
that ye should not obey the truth,
Galatians 3:1

Unity began in 1889 by a husband & wife (Charles & Myrtle Fillmore) in Kansas when the wife was healed of TB. They were influenced by Mary Baker Eddy of Christian Science. Primary focus of Unity is healing through thought. As a creation of God, you are expected to dwell on positive thoughts.
The book Lessons in Truth by Harriet Emilie Cady is a primary text for the church. As for the Trinity, God is a spiritual force that is in everything. Christ, they believe is a divine being, but we too can become divine like Christ. He is viewed more ass an eternal teacher.
They view much of the Bible as allegory. Sin is viewed as separation from God and salvation can be had now when we turn out thoughts to harmony with God. Unity strongly supports gay marriage & many openly believe in reincarnation (as taught by Charles Fillmore) separating Unity from other Christians on the State-of-the-Dead topic. (Fillmore taught that we "regenerate" over & over until we come back &
become like Christ then we join Him in paradise). The fall of man is spiritual amnesia of our evolutionary path towards becoming divine.

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