Wednesday, June 10, 2015

IN the NEWS - Reformation coming? B-A-B-Y-L-O-N?

1) Are these people (in the below story) serious, or just your run-of-the-mill fraudulent charismatic pop culture ministers trying to sell books?
2) If there is actually something stirring--(and it isn't from God / Bonnke's involvement would prove it's not from God) line up this with the Papal push for the GREEN Religion to unite the world as well as his recent outreach to Protestants....well, if you've read Revelation--you should know how this all ends.....

 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils,

and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,

Come out of her, my people,

that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 18:2,4
"Christians across America say God is telling them He wants to birth a Third Great Awakening in the land. And He's using intense personal encounters with some Christian leaders to tell them He wants them personally involved.

"I'm going to send a Third Great Awakening to America," Dutch Sheets, author of An Appeal to Heaven, said he heard the Lord tell him a couple of decades ago.

Christian journalist and author Jennifer LeClaire added that she's been hearing it will be "a greater Great Awakening than the world has ever seen."

...she interviews Christian leaders like Sheets and the great revivalist Reinhard Bonnke, who's 
Will this so-called 3rd Great Awakening, being pushed by charismatics,
along with the global GREEN Religion push by the Papacy,
who has been reaching out to Protestants, especially charismatics,
be the beginning of the formation of BABYLON?
moved to America because he believes God is about to save many millions here.
But what's interesting about LeClaire and the origins of The Next Great Move of God is that this journalist had for years just been observing the Lord setting up another awakening.
Then He asked her to personally jump in.
"The Holy Spirit said, 'I would like you to be a participant in the revival, not just an observer of it,'" LeClaire recalled.

So she's now bringing together Christians to pray at a Pompano Beach, Florida, facility where she also often writes. She's hoping her new book will inspire many others to also seek the next move of God.

In An Appeal to Heaven, Sheets talks about a prophetic dream a close friend had in 2007 in which God presented Sheets two boxing gloves.

Then in 2013, a dear friend whom Sheets had mentored said God told him to give Sheets a special flag from the Revolutionary War days. Emblazoned on it were the words "Appeal to Heaven," referring to philosopher John Locke's writing that citizens who've exhausted all appeals to unjust leaders can still appeal to heaven.
"What Locke said was 'When there is no other way, there's nothing you can do humanly speaking, you still can appeal to heaven.' And George Washington grabbed this, put it on a flag and flew it over all the naval ships," Sheets said of the "Appeal to Heaven" slogan.
"It spread through all the colonies," he said. "And it really became almost the battle cry of a nation. It was the banner we were born under."

'Heavenly Invasion Needed'
"This is a very critical time, and God's people in America need to fall on their knees, fall on their face and cry out to God," Hyatt added. "We need an invasion from heaven where God comes down and heaven invades earth, and God comes down and touches people's lives."

If these Christian leaders are correct about just how massive this reformation will be, it suggests America's greatest days may not be behind us, but ahead." Charisma
And then there is this NONSENSE of preparing for something big based upon the false prophecy of the 4 blood moons, pushed by some evangelicals, endorsed by some below...BTW, what IF something did happen, pulling apostate Protestantism (the False Prophet) together, as the Papacy (the Beast) pulls in the non-Christian world via the GREEN Religion/spiritualism (the Dragon)?
“The heavens are ‘God’s billboard.’ He’s been sending signals to earth, and we haven’t been picking them up,” Hagee said in  a statement announcing the documentary. “Two blood moons, in 2014 and 2015, point to dramatic events in the Middle East and, as a result, changes in the whole world.”
“Four Blood Moons” will explore history, science and the Bible, detailing the three historical
tetrads— which each began in 1493, 1948 and 1967 — that Hagee believes held significance for the Jewish people, while bringing in religious scholars and historians to explore the pastor’s theory. 
Only three times in the past 500 years have four blood moons (or tetrads) occurred back to back and on major Jewish holy days. The fourth tetrad began April 15, 2014, on Passover,” the statement explains. “In October last year, the second blood moon appeared on the Feast of Tabernacles (also known as Sukkot). Blood moons in 2015 land on the same holy days.”
 Hagee‘s theories in-depth, exploring the three historical tetrads and the current set of blood moons unfolding in 2014 and 2015.
Starting at the beginning of the series is the first tetrad that began in 1492, around the time that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella “issued an edict of expulsion” kicking the Jews out of Spain, Hagee told TheBlaze. This happened during the Spanish Inquisition, which started in 1478 in an effort to rid the region of Jews and Muslims.

According to NASA data, there was a tetrad from 1493 to 1494 (there were three preceding tetrads that century as well, but they did not fall on Jewish holidays).
And that’s not the only series of blood moons Hagee links to Israel, as NASA data shows that yet another tetrad unfolded between 1949 and 1950, a key time for Israel’s modern-day manifestation.
In 1948, that’s the year Israel became a state,” he explained. “The thing that happened prior to that was the tragedy of the Holocaust, which ended in the rejoicing of statehood.”
Another tetrad happened between 1967 and 1968, a period which saw the Six-Day War — a moment of “triumph” when Jerusalem was reunified and became “the eternal capital of the Jewish people once again,” Hagee said.
NASA data also shows that four blood moons emerged between the years 1909-1910, 1927-1928 and 1985-1986, but these also did not fall on the Jewish holidays." TheBlaze
...come out of the mouth of the dragon,
Uniting the WORLD via the GREEN Religion
and out of the mouth of the beast
and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Revelation 16:13