Thursday, June 11, 2015

Creation Moment 6/12/2015 - Phoebe Ring undermines long age cosmology

 "The biggest ring in the solar system, discovered in 2009, just got bigger. The
Phoebe Ring got “supersized” by a new study published in Nature this week. Science Magazine says, “If Saturn were the size of a basketball, the ring from one side of the planet to the other would span two-thirds the length of a football field.”

But can these tiny particles maintain retrograde orbits for billions of years? The large particles might, but they represent only about 10% of the material, and the rest is quickly swept up by Titan or by Poynting-Robertson drag in 100,000 years, the paper states. So a continual source of replenishment is needed. “They probably arise when debris shed by comets hits distant Saturnian satellites such as Phoebe, kicking up material that goes into orbit around the ringed planet,” Science says, but in, Douglas Hamilton remarked, “Saturn’s main rings are like the fabled elephant graveyard — mysterious and filled with mostly large bones that contain clues about the recent past. CEH

So based upon the science, the rings of Saturn have to be young.....

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,
whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Hebrews 1:2