Thursday, June 18, 2015

Creation Moment 6/19/2015 - Canadian MP Lunney

"OTTAWA - MP James Lunney quit the Conservative caucus March 31 to sit as an independent so he could better defend the religious freedom of Christians facing mounting attacks and ridicule in Canada.

I am tired of seeing my co-religionists belittled in the public square,” the B.C. MP said in an
Lunney, a chiropractor, said he experienced attacks and social media “crowd shaming” when he came to the defence of Christian politicians running provincially who were targeted for their beliefs concerning evolution.
Freedom of religion and conscience are fundamental freedoms in Canada. Bigotry cloaked in defence of science is as intolerable and repugnant as bigotry from any other source,” he said.
In an interview Lunney explained that everyone believes in evolution to some degree, since one can observe species’ adaptation. Where he differs from the “prevailing atheistic mindset” is on macro-evolution, the theory that human beings evolved by chance from the primordial slime.
That theory is in crisis,” he said. 
That theory of evolution comes to a “full stop” at the immense complexity of the living cell discovered through advances in molecular biology. Lunney said the technology to study the cell did not exist in Charles Darwin’s day. 
I know far more about the human body and cells than most of my critics,” he said. “If evolution is not controversial enough, my beliefs are based on science.”
Lunney, an evangelical Christian, disputed the idea the Christian faith and science are incompatible. 
I’m a believer in God,” he said. “I am not ashamed of that.”
An observer who has studied the scientific debate on evolution for the past 14 years agrees with Lunney that old ideas of evolution have been challenged by recent scientific discoveries.
Evolution just means change happens over time,” said Denyse O’Leary, author of By Design or By Chance? The Growing Controversy on the Origins of Life in the Universe. “It is reasonable to expect a person to demonstrate the change they say happened.
“Claiming that huge changes happen and just calling it ‘evolution’ without demonstration is a way of smuggling a philosophical concept in. Often, it is a way of smuggling in naturalist atheism.”" CR

And the light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not.
James 1:5