Wednesday, June 17, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Protestants

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, ...
2 Chronicles 7:14

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Protestants (non-Catholic Christians) are subdivided into 2 broad groups:
1) Mainline
2) Evangelical

Mainline Protestants tend to be theologically modernist/liberal today, mostly Amillennial (some are modern historic pre-millennial and a few post-millennial). Some are sacramental, into predestination, irresistible grace, Melanchthonian, Arminian, and a few of the most liberal are pluralists.
Mainline subgroups are directly tied to elements of the Reformation. Also, most Mainline Protestants have some vestige of Catholic appearance, whether calling communion mass, or infant baptism, or saints, nuns & monks, or robes for hierarchy, saint feast days, etc.
Most are Episcopal in church structure. A few are Congregational or Presbyterian in church structure.

Evangelical Protestants tend to be theologically fundamentalist/conservative today, with elements of moderates and "progressive" rebels in their midst growing. For salvation, some are into once-saved-always-saved, preservation of the saints, Spirit baptism and Arminian.
Eschatology is mostly modern or traditional historic pre-millennial, dispensational pre-millennial, post-millennial (including dominionism) with very few Amillennial.
Church structure is largely Congregational.
Evangelicals tend to stamp out any vestige of Catholicism (except Sunday sacredness & the Platonic idea of the Immortality of the Soul).

* Sabbath views are based upon either the "Christian Sabbath" (so-called "Lord's Day"), Lutheran view, Idealist view &/or Sabbatarian.
* State of the dead views are mostly Immortality of the Soul with some who believe in Soul Sleep.

Mainline mostly (but not all) engage in sprinkling & infant baptism.
Evangelicals use baptism by Immersion & age of consent.