Thursday, May 21, 2015

IN the NEWS - Emerald Isle push for gay marriage

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
"Ireland prime minister urges yes vote in gay marriage referendum
Enda Kenny pleads on live TV before Ireland becomes only country in the world where electorate will vote over same-sex marriage.
Ireland’s prime minister, Enda Kenny, has made a final plea for a yes vote in the referendum to legalise gay marriage.

The taoiseach told the Irish electorate on Wednesday night: “There is nothing to fear for voting for love and equality.”
Kenny made his plea on live television ahead of a broadcasting embargo imposed on all sides of same-sex marriage debate.
The republic is the only country in the world where the electorate will decide whether to make gay marriage legal. The country goes to the polls on Friday and the votes will be counted from Saturday morning.
Meanwhile, the pro-gay marriage campaign groups are claiming that a late surge in voter registration will boost the Yes cause. It has emerged that over the past weeks of the campaign more than 68,000 new voters have been added to the electoral register." TheGuardian