Thursday, May 21, 2015

IN the NEWS - Bush Speech

"Former President George W. Bush spoke at Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) commencement ceremony Saturday.
Here’s some quotes from the speech:

In our hearts we believe all are created equal under God. The liberty we prize is not America’s gift to the world, it is Almighty God’s gift to humanity.”

And finally, you can be hopeful because there is a loving God,” he said. “Whether you agree with that statement is your choice, it is not your government’s choice.”

It is essential to this nation’s future that we remember that the freedom to worship who we want, and how we want — or not to worship at all — is a core belief of our founding.”

I’ve made my choice,” he said. “I believe that the almighty’s grace and unconditional love will sustain you.” CP

1 Timothy 6:16