Sunday, March 15, 2015

The "Really" File - (Mr. Dollar asks for 65 million dollars)

And Jesus saith unto him, 
The foxes have holes,
and the birds of the air have nests; 
but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. 
Matthew 8:20

"Pastor Creflo Dollar, founder of World Changers Church International, has launched Project G650, an effort to encourage 200,000 people to donate $300 or more so that he can purchase
a jet that Business Insider recently called, the “biggest, fastest, and overall best private jet money can buy.”
The Gulfstream G650 jet, which runs for around $65 million, would replace the current airplane that the ministry has been using, as it was built in 1984, and, according to a video accompanying the fundraising appeal, the plane, which Dollar has used since 1999, recently experienced serious technical difficulties that put Dollar and his family in danger.
From the "Really" File

With the old airplane officially out of service, the fundraising appeal explains that it is time to replace the aircraft.
We believe it is time to replace this aircraft so that our Pastors and staff can continue to safely and swiftly share the Good News of the Gospel worldwide,” the explanation continues. “We need your help to continue reaching a lost and dying world for the Lord Jesus Christ.”" TheBlaze