Tuesday, November 25, 2014

IN the NEWS - Real Lesson of Ferguson

This is NOT Politically Correct

What we know...
^ Michael Brown got high on illegal drugs that morning....
^ Michael Brown ruffed up a store clerk that morning....
^ Michael Brown stole that morning from a store.....
^ Michael Brown then physically assaulted a police officer & went for his gun....
^ The "Hands Up-Don't Shoot" slogan we know to be based upon a myth now....
How Michael Brown started that day.....
The Real Lesson of Ferguson
"One of the first lessons a child needs to learn is the lesson of obedience. Before he is old enough to reason, he may be taught to obey. By gentle, persistent effort, the habit should be established. Thus, to a great degree, may be prevented those later conflicts between will and authority that do so much to create alienation and bitterness toward parents and teachers, and too often resistance of all authority, human and divine."
Education p.287 E.G.W.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Drudge Report Headlines:

FOXNEWS Reporter In Ferguson Attacked... 
MSNBC Anchor Chased Off Air By Gunfire...
CNN Reporter Hit In Head With Rock During Live Shot

"Brown was the kid who was rhyming hip-hop lyrics. “He just loved music, talked about it all the time,” said Cynthia Barnett, a neighborhood fixture...Hip-hop represents the hope of escape to another kind of life for many of the kids in this swatch of St. Louis suburbs, a patchwork of 91 municipalities, each with its own identity and mores." WashingtonPost
What if the Michael Browns of the world started their morning filling their heads with Proverbs instead of Hip Hop & drugs....?....?...? ....what if the parents pointed their hope towards Scripture other than allowing it to be music?