Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Creation Moment 11/26/2014 - New Ant "Species"

"A new species of ant has been discovered on the Spanish island of Mallorca. But it is already on the
verge of extinction.
Lasius balearicus is the first ant known to be endemic to any of the Balearic islands in the Mediterranean.
But there are not many of them, they are confined to a small area, and have low genetic diversity."
Another example of micro-evolution (better known as GENETIC VARIATION WITHIN A KIND). Here we have an ant with low genetic diversity...which means they have bred among themselves for an extended period of time without  breeding with other ants.
Notice--this IS NOT macro-evolution, which is what people mean in common parlance when they say "evolution" today.
Through "micro-evolution", the ant is still an ant.....
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living
creature...creeping thing, ...after his kind: and it was so.
Genesis 1:24