Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Creation Moment 11/12/2014 - Spiritual Side of Evolutionary "Scientists"

 Spiritual Side of Evolutionary "Scientists"
"For six decades the ivory-billed woodpecker was reported as probably extinct by bird scientists until eight sightings and even a videotape of the creature were compiled over the years 2004-05. Even though this bird is merely a variety of woodpecker, it has caused quite a stir.
Some biologists and their reports of the rediscovery of the bird were quite emotional. In regard to trekking in the Arkansas woods, audio archivist Martha Fischer said,
"The place really is like being in a cathedral."
One report said many who searched the woods for the creature were
"changed by their experience."
Indeed, an associate professor of biology
 "put his face in his hands and began to sob"
and another
"was too choked with emotion"
after sighting the elusive bird, saying it rose
"Lazarus-like from the grave."
They traded the truth about God for a lie.
So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself,
Romans 1:25 NLT