Monday, October 6, 2014

SDA Issues - That Phone Book is always there

To our so-called "progressive" brethren,
That Phone Book is always there...
That Phone Book is full of churches That-

1) Reject the Sabbath
 2) Are oriented towards CHEAP GRACE
  3) That are not historical pre-millennial
   4) That have gay laity & clergy
    5) That reject any inspiration given to E.G.W.
     6) That engage in celebration style worship services
      7) That reject fully the Investigative Judgment and Sanctuary Doctrine
       8) That are more hip 'n cool for your tastes
        9) That have women ordination
         10) That preach the fluff of pop-psychology self-help feel-goodism

11) That refer to God as "daddy"
 12) That dabble in contemplative prayer
  13) That believe in theistic evolution
   14) That reject Genesis 1-11
    15) That think 666 just means triple bad
     16) That preach the GREEN gospel in place of the Biblical Gospel
      17) That feel the Bible shouldn't be used for 21st century standards for divorce
       18) That disconnect the Little Horn from the Beast
        19) That want to be ecumenical
         20) That use higher criticism
Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;
Ezekiel 38:19