Monday, October 6, 2014

GOSPEL Gem: First Preaching (Notice the topic-- Lesson for our preaching today?)

Synergy of Matthew 4:12-17/Mark 1:14,15/Luke 4:14,15
Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison,
he departed into Galilee;
preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

And leaving Nazareth,
he came and dwelt in Capernaum,
which is upon the sea coast,
in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,
The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim,
by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles;
The people which sat in darkness saw great light;
and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

From that time Jesus began to preach,
And saying,
The time is fulfilled,
and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel..

...and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
Daniel Adds - Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Daniel 9:24
"The burden of Christ's preaching was, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel." Thus the gospel message, as given by the Saviour Himself, was based on the prophecies. The "time" which He declared to be fulfilled was the period made known by the angel Gabriel to Daniel."
Desire of Ages p.233 E.G.W.