Friday, September 5, 2014

Papal Notes - Andorra to Panama (Itinerary of Little Horn)

"Pope Francis met this morning with the head of the Government of Andorra, Antonio Martí, in
Andorra, the tiny nation nestled
between France & Spain
the library of the Apostolic Palace. Martí was accompanied by his family. 

The meeting lasted 25 minutes, touching upon several social areas. The Vatican stated that the meeting was "cordial” and that it confirmed the "traditionally good relations” between the two states

A touching moment of the meeting took place when the wife of the head of state greeted the Pope.

"I am a believer and before coming here I prayed for you.”

The Principality of Andorra and the Vatican signed an agreement in 2008 that regulates relations between the Church and the government." RomeReports

"Pope Francis welcomed the president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, to the Vatican's Apostolic Palace. 

This marks the first time the president met the Pope. In fact, he took  office recently, on July 1, 2014.
Panama Canal of Panama
Just a few minutes after greeting the Pope, the president introduced his wife. 

"We pray so much for you.”

"I need it.”

"You can count on our prayers.”

After the president's family took a picture with the Pope, both leaders exchanged gifts. Varela gave the Pope a framed image of the Patroness of Panama, Santa Maria La Antigua. 

During their meeting they talked about the country's social problems like poverty and the vulnerability of the needy. In light of this, the president  made a special request. He asked the Pope to personally sign a passage from his apostolic exhortation, Evangeli Gaudium, where he highlights the need for social justice.

The president said, he wants his government to honor and remember that message." RomeReports

From Andorra to Panama & Panama back to Andorra -
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed:
Since 1798
and all the world wondered after the beast.

Revelation 13:3