Friday, September 5, 2014

IN the NEWS - Creeping EVIL over Planet

Al-Shabaab, ISIS, Lybia Dawn & Boko Haram--the creeping EVIL over the planet----

Boko Haram
"FROM a ragtag band of fighters conducting sporadic raids and bombings from its hideouts, Nigeria’s Boko Haram is fast evolving into a force able to take and hold territory. In attacks on September 1st its jihadist militants overran Bama, the second-largest town in Borno state.

Armed with rocket-launchers and armoured vehicles stolen from the demoralised Nigerian army, Boko Haram (its name translates loosely as “Western education is forbidden”) has moved beyond its established lairs in the Sambisa forest and the Mandara Mountains. In recent weeks it has taken several towns close to the Cameroonian border, among them Gwoza, Gamboru Ngala and Banki.
The grab for territory signals a change from Boko Haram’s hit-and-run tactics. This may be in keeping with pronouncements by its firebrand leader, Abubakar Shekau, that chunks of Borno state are “Muslim territory” in what appears to be an imitation of the caliphate proclaimed in parts of Iraq and Syria by Islamic State. Boko Haram has erected flags over the towns it has invaded, forcing any remaining residents to follow its strict version of sharia (Islamic law) or be killed." TheEconomist
"Shabaab, al Qaeda's official branch in Somalia, launched a
coordinated suicide assault against the national intelligence headquarters in a highly secured area in the capital of Mogadishu.
Seven Shabaab fighters, three soldiers, and two civilians were killed in the assault, which began when a truck detonated at the main gate of the headquarters,.... Six heavily armed Shabaab fighters then entered the breach and battled with security forces inside the compound for nearly an hour before being killed.
The Shabaab fighters were attempting to free prisoners held at the headquarters.
Even today, Shabaab controls large portions of the countryside in southern and central Somalia, and still runs some towns and cities. An African Union offensive by forces from Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Kenya has managed to drive Shabaab from the major cities of Mogadishu and Kismayo, but three years after the start of the offensive, Shabaab still controls vast areas of Somalia."

Lybia Dawn
"A particular feature of the occupation of Tripoli by Libya Dawn, the newest of the Middle East's self-proclaimed revolutionary movements, is the focus on residents from the wrong tribe.
The city was captured after a five week battle, involving heavy and indiscriminate artillery
bombardments between Libya Dawn and tribal fighters from Zintan, Warshafan and Warfallah. Now residents whose family names indicate membership of those tribes are being rounded-up, whatever their politics, however tenuous their connection with those tribes.
Libya Dawn, an alliance of Islamists and militias from Misrata, 100 miles east, has broken with the newly elected parliament in Tobruk, setting up its own government, with a former Islamic fighter, Omar Al-Hasi, declared its "prime minister".
And militants have finally achieved their goal of attacking Tripoli's most noted landmark, the Gazella, a bronze fountain depicting a naked nymph and a gazelle bequeathed to the city by Italian occupiers in the 1930s.
A previous attempt by Islamists to destroy the statue, popularly known as the "naked lady", was halted by local residents forming a human chain around the site. But with the Libya Dawn takeover, an anti-tank rocket has blown a hole in the nymph." TheGuardian

"She was raised in a well-heeled Glasgow suburb, attended an exclusive Scottish girls’ school .... But yesterday the parents of 20-year-old Aqsa Mahmood revealed she is one of the female jihadists behind the online campaign reported on by The Daily Beast to recruit Western girls.
Western terrorist experts think the operation is a drive endorsed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State, widely known as ISIS, to lure Western women to the marriage beds of the
caliphate’s holy warriors, and it relies on those already enlisted to promote jihad.
Potential recruits are told their main role in the Islamic revolution will be through matrimony and childbearing, not martyrdom. And Mahmood, using the Twitter handle Umm Layth, has been highly active on Twitter and on her blog trying to persuade would-be “sisters” in Europe and the United States to travel to the Middle East to help ISIS establish its extremist vision of a militant Islamic utopia. 

Mahmood ran off last November, according to her parents, who reported her as missing to police, and she is understood to have married a jihadist fighter soon after arriving in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
“Follow the examples of your brothers from Woolwich, Texas and Boston,” she tweeted. “If you cannot make it to the battlefield, then bring the battlefield to yourself.” Her online diary incites others to leave family behind as she left her comfortable middle-class life, promising, “Once you arrive in the land of Jihad [it] is your family.”  At 15 a process of radicalization appears to have started—apparently hidden from her parents and most of her friends—and she spent increasing amounts of time locked away in her bedroom and interacting on radical Muslim chat forums." DailyBeast

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, ..... murders,
Mark 7:21