Sunday, September 7, 2014

Creation Moment 9/8/2014 - Giberson Deception

For without are dogs,...
and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Revelation 22:15
"Dr. Giberson, physicist and advocate of theistic evolution, has now said he is sorry for twice employing a Photoshopped image in public arguments. The image is of a tailed human infant, and he unwittingly used it in making his case for our common descent from a tailed ancestor. Saying you're sorry and that you'll strive not to do it again is normally a gracious thing to do. In Giberson's case, the admission is accompanied by a spray of insults and untruths.

In the same article, Giberson linked to the image as he found it at the website, the online survival of an old humor magazine, originally a knock-off from Mad. The photo would have been supportive of Karl's argument, if it were real.

Interestingly, Giberson's co-agitator Nick Matzke takes a different tack. At Twitter, Dr. Matzke points out an X-ray image taken from a 1980 journal article. In addition, the article includes one photo, as distinct from an X-ray, which looks like a birth defect, not so much like the computer-generated pig tail in Giberson's image. For Matzke, the fact that the growth is not well or perfectly formed actually counts for its relevance:

Nick Matzke @NickJMatzk     Follow
@d_klinghoffer And, it's silly to pretend that atavisms are supposed to be fully grown. The expectation is the opposite. Duh! More #IDerrors