Friday, August 8, 2014

The Guns of August 1914 - "God is Dead"? (WW 1)

August 2014 is the 100th anniversary since the beginning of World War 1 in August of 1914 if begins with the declaration of war by Germany on France & Russia. (Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia as early as July 28).

This was supposed to be the age of enlightened man -- for Nietzsche
had published his infamous phrase
as early as 1882.
(32 years before the first gun shots rang out in 1914).

Instead, the aftermath of
WW1 set up the 20th century to become the most bloody century of history. And the vast majority of that bloodshed came as a direct result of attempting to set up atheistic Godless communist states, (Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Hoxha, Ho Chi Minh) or by the attempt to implement an evolutionary logical worldview via eugenics (Hitler, von Trutha in Namibia)  or simple greed of nations wanting what others have (WW 1, Imperial Japan of WW2) or people wanting to empower themselves (Mussolini, Franco, Saddam Hussein).

Maybe mankind shouldn't have "killed" off God by using the foolishness of Darwin to assist in the homicide of their Creator.
Marx, Darwin, Freud & Nietzsche caused more pain, suffering & death in the last century than was caused in any other century of humanity.
Battle of Liege--first battle of WW 1 began August 5, 1914
between the Germans & Belgians

Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
Psalm 2:1 NKJV