Saturday, August 9, 2014

Creation Moment 8/10/2014 - "Christian" Musicians Mock Creation

"Christian musicians Michael and Lisa Gungor, members of the Dove-award winning band Gungor, made headlines this week with their denial of the inerrancy of Scripture in Genesis.

On the Gungor Music blog, Michael uses a mocking tone to explain his view of the Bible’s account of history:
Do I believe that God literally drowned every living creature 5,000 years ago in a global flood except the ones who were living in a big boat? No, I don’t.
Why don’t I?
Because of science and rational thought.
So in other words, man’s autonomous reasoning  and what Gungor calls “science” supposedly mean we can’t take the account of the Flood in Genesis as a historical record.  But as we’ve explained many times on our website and elsewhere, “science” means knowledge.  And there is a big difference between observational science (that builds our technology) and historical science (beliefs about the past—e.g., concerning origins).  As you read his post, you realize that what he calls “science” is man’s beliefs concerning evolution and millions of years.  So, when Gungor asks why he doesn’t believe in the literal Flood account from Genesis, he is really answering this way: “Because my autonomous reasoning as a fallible sinful human taken with fallible man’s evolutionary views based on naturalism, I can’t take God’s Word as written in Genesis.” AIG
But whosoever shall deny me before men,
him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33