Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hadean Period: Global Flood Era?

The Hadean Period is simply the Flood Period of earth's history--
 ....the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11

"A new terrestrial bombardment model based on existing lunar and terrestrial data sheds light on the role asteroid bombardments played in the geological evolution of the uppermost layers of Earth during the Hadean period.

"Large asteroids pummeled Earth’s surface
and caused deep-seated magma to flow to the surface,
as shown in this artistic conception. At the same time,
distant portions of the surface could have retained liquid water
But, in the very beginning of Earth’s formation, there’s a less well-known period that has typically been called the Hadean (meaning “hell-like”) because it was assumed that A) it was wildly hot and volcanic, and magma covered everything was — completely unlike the present day.
Furthermore, B) large collisions may have repeatedly boiled away existing oceans into steamy atmospheres. Despite heavy bombardment, the findings are compatible with the claim based on geochemical data that C) liquid water on Earth’s surface existed as early as about 4.3 billion years ago.
A key part of Earth’s mysterious infancy period that has not been well quantified in the past is the kind of impacts Earth was experiencing at the end of accretion. D) How big and how frequent were those incoming bombardments, and what were their effects on Earth’s surface?
E) Large impacts had particularly severe effects on existing ecosystems. Researchers found that on average, Hadean Earth could have been hit by one to four impactors that were more than 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) wide and capable of global sterilization, and by three to seven impactors more than 300 miles (500km) wide and capable of global ocean vaporization." Astronomy

A) It was volcanic-and magma did cover a lot of turf......forming many of our existing mountain chains we have today.
B) Water did cover the earth--steamy, maybe in some parts due to magma warming it up.
C) There has always been water on the earth.
D) Those bombardments were likely how the tectonic plates were split apart during the flood.
E) Yeah, I bet there was "severe effects on existing ecosystems" due to a bombardment at that time capable of "global sterilization" & "global ocean vaporization".