Sunday, August 3, 2014

Creation Moment 8/4/2014 - Evolution & Buddhism

"For traditional Buddhist cosmology, the life cycle of a universe is cyclical. There is a period of its formation, a period where it endures, a period where it disintegrates and a period of void before a new universe forms from the luminous space that remains. That space, according to the Kalachakra Tantra (Wheel of Time) is inseparable from beginningless, universal consciousness.

"Even with all these profound scientific theories of the origin of the universe, I am left with serious questions: What existed before the big bang? Where did the big bang come from? What caused it? Why has our planet evolved to support life? What is the relationship between the cosmos and the beings that have evolved within it? Scientists may dismiss these questions as nonsensical, or they may acknowledge their importance but deny that they belong to the domain of scientific inquiry. However, both these approaches will have the consequence of acknowledging definite limits to our scientific knowledge of the origin of our cosmos. I am not subject to the professional or ideological constraints of a radically materialistic worldview." - The Dalai Lama HP

"Buddhism doesn’t have a creator God, like we find in the book of Genesis,....According to a 2009 poll in
the Christian Science Monitor, Buddhism was the religion most comfortable with evolution theory. When people were asked if evolution was the best explanation for the origins of human life on earth, 81 percent of Buddhists agreed....Buddhism and science also share some deep convictions about nature. The Buddha’s teachings of anicca (impermanence) and paticca samuppada (dependent causation), augur many of our 20th century ideas about an ever-changing, evolving, and ecologically connected nature.
There are gods and spirits in the cultures of Buddhism, but they are more like superheroes or super villains. They are not omnipotent, omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. And these other intelligent beings (devas, ghosts, animistic spirits, etc.) are, like us, trying to work out their own enlightenment." ChicagoTribune that's what Buddhists believe about the subject......of course the life cycle of the universe is NOT "cyclical". Sin entered this universe and effected this planet in a most adverse way. And it will be remade only ONCE. Sin will not rise up again......
What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time. Nahum sin, and this universe & earth are not "cyclical" as Buddhists believe.